Engineering drawings or reports are generally requested by councils as part of the design information specifying or justifying a development. Most residential developments will start with design drawings from a building designer or an architect. Engineering drawings or reports are either submitted to council with the building design drawings or are requested by council as conditions to a development consent. Typical requests from councils could include
- Structural Engineering design for concrete foundations and slabs
- Structural Engineering design of steel beams
- Tie down and wall bracing plans
- Retaining wall design for walls retaining more than 1m of soil
- Foundation designs to avoid loads being transferred to sewer mains
- Traffic Control Plan
- Drainage Plan
- Stormwater Management Plan
- Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
- On site wastewater assessment
- Intersection Design (eg BAL/BAR)
It is important to note that all developments will vary in some manner and that the type and extent of engineering required will vary according to the actual development and the local council requirements.